“To infinity and beyond…” Perhaps Buzz Lightyear was onto something, knowing he had to Think BIG and Be BRAVE if he was going to become the galaxy-saving space ranger he was designed to be. While his bravery is mostly faultless, for practical purposes, his proclamation can be tweaked to read: “in futurum ad infinitum fortiter.” In other words, ‘into the future, to infinity’ but what can we learn from this maxim? We all need to go bravely into the future for infinity – but a little less Buzz and a lot more action. This means that we have a collective responsibility to be brave enough to share our ideas, and to be braver still to put those ideas into action. Instead of sitting back and waiting to see what others do, if everyone puts one small idea out there and takes steps toward making it happen, these small steps can add up to the changes we want to see in the world around us.
Ideas: we all have at least one
It might be hard to believe, but every person on this planet is capable of a brilliant, transformative, totally radical idea. There are eight billion of us, (as of 15 November 2022, the world’s population reached eight billion people, an incredible milestone in human development) one idea that could turn a problem into a solvable celebration. It doesn’t even have to be a big one. It could be a proposition that translates suffering into self-sufficiency. Or a simple concept that leads someone else to their own realisation that has the power to transform society.
Imagine the impact we’d have on this planet, the people, and the problems we all face! They’d seem a little less insurmountable. While there are likely critics who think that this gives far too much credit to those eight billion people out there – arguing that not everyone has a good idea – this might be true, but this doesn’t mean that every idea isn’t capable of contributing to the progression of humanity in some shape or form ,and, even bad ideas can be used as good examples. However, it’s important for us to remember that Elon Musk’s ideas are not necessarily better than anyone else’s. The difference lies in the fact that he puts his ideas into action because he has the resources to do so.
Ideas: without action, they’re useless
This leads to the next point – what can we do with ideas? If an idea is a dream, we know that the realisation thereof might be instant, but the actualisation itself is distant. However, the time between now and then, if filled with direction and action, is what makes anything possible. The catalyst is action, bravery and a hearty dose of Buzz Lightyear confidence.
Think, dream, do
The radical thinkers back in the 1950s and ‘60s didn’t let the vastness of space stop them from dreaming it was possible to put a man on the moon. Such a big, brave goal was what pulled all the dreamers together – from engineers to scientists and politicians – and fuelled the dedication, collaboration, concentration and determination they needed to succeed. In succeeding, they in turn inspired millions around the world. This single feat of putting a man on the moon caused others to dream and take action too. it shifted our perspective from ‘it’s not possible’, to ‘what if?’ and ‘how might we? ‘Putting a man on the moon taught us to think beyond practical boundaries of rational thought, to dream beyond dreams and speak beyond words!
Nothing works, unless we do
As such, it is important that each of us do not assume that our ideas lack value and impact. Instead, we must think, dream, imagine, and visualise what we’d like to see in the future. We must think beyond thought and then we must take those ideas and make them real. We must examine what it will take to get there, and to put our ideas into action. While we may never reach the ultimate actualisation, what can we start working on today that others might be able to finish for us, later? Begin to differentiate between the imaginable, believable, attainable, and achievable, to dream beyond dreams. Then we need to speak beyond words. Turn words into actions, by setting them into motion and getting started. At this point, we need to apply vigour to validate ideas, looking for ways to improve them and maximise their impact. Even if it’s just to focus on the value of generational knowledge created through learning, actions through energy, and successes built through collaboration and continuously improved over time.
Don’t leave too much up to others
It’s depressing to think about how much innovation has been lost to apathy. How many people gave up on their ideas, or never even got started. There are no switches for greatness. It is developed, nurtured, protected, guided and let loose so that many more will believe in greatness within themselves, and so on, and so on, ad infinitum. Instead of being a change critic or an armchair thinker, join those putting their ideas to the test. Lean into conflict and start the ‘how might we?’ conversations, and watch as ideas take shape. Don’t think you’re capable of having ideas? We’re all capable of dreaming. Whether it’s planning a desert island getaway, or dreaming of a better world for our children, we can dream. If we can dream, these are the seeds of ideas. Granted, we don’t all have the bottomless pockets of Elon Musk, who puts every idea to the test, and most of us are caught between those dreams and a day job. This means there might not be a safe way to bring ideas to the light without them being shot down, shut up or outright stolen.
Have ideas or support them

We can’t let this stop us. Step out, start small and get going. If we’re not having the ideas, or bringing ideas to the table, we need to make sure we’re supporting those people who are. This means as business leaders, we need to create psychologically safe spaces for people to bring ideas into the open. As leaders, we need to be prepared to give more time to ideas that need it, to create opportunities that turn great ideas into better forms of action in our businesses. So, what if all eight billion of us were capable of a great, transformative idea? Deep down, we are. When we realise that we’re all in this together, we might just be able to challenge convention in every part of our human existence while focusing on finding better ways of living, loving, learning and earning. To step bravely into the future for infinity.