The Wise Move Story – From 9-5 to Tech Startup CEO

Chante Venter is the co-founder and CEO of Wise Move South Africa, an online booking platform that connects people in need of moving services with local moving companies. Her journey from having a full time job, to being a freelancer and now the CEO of her own successful tech startup, shows how with a little ambition, willingness to learn and a solution-focused mindset, you can shape a successful career in the digital age.

Venter talks with Bizmag, and shares her story and advice in the hope of encouraging more people to start their own businesses and, in doing so, to help build a stronger South Africa.

Brave Decisions Unlock New Opportunities

Back in 2017, Venter made the bold decision to pack in her 9-5 position in Johannesburg and dive into the unknown world of online entrepreneurship. This meant starting from scratch.

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Embracing the digital nomad lifestyle, she delved into the world of freelancing. She relied heavily on free resources to upskill and teach herself website design, SEO, online marketing and social media.

“For anyone thinking about making a similar change, my advice is to surround yourself with people who are also embracing this journey. Engage on social media, attend networking events, or consider joining an accelerator program. You don’t need to have everything figured out from the start, but being in an innovative environment can spark ideas and provide invaluable support,” she advises.

Her pivotal moment came in a coworking space in Malaysia, where she connected with a French woman who managed her own digital agency. They started working together, and there Venter got the opportunity to work with startups and companies in the US through Fiverr, an online marketplace for freelancers that enabled her to build a substantial client base.

“That experience really demonstrated to me the power of online marketplaces, as I was able to provide myself with a steady income to fund my new lifestyle. Being exposed to a variety of industries also taught me crucial skills in online marketing and SEO applicable across different business contexts,” she says.

“More importantly, it showed me the significant value of online platforms that connect industry professionals with clients. So when the opportunity came to help build Wise Move, I was ready.”

Complementary Skills make for solid Business Partnerships

Everything put together eventually led Venter to meet her now business partner and the co-founder of Wise Move, Gedi Burinskis.

“Choosing the right business partner is crucial, and Gedi and I had the advantage of working together before going into a partnership. The slow and organic development of our working relationship ensured we were a good fit for a long-term business partnership. Our complementary skills — his technical expertise and my marketing acumen — made us a strong team.”

With their shared entrepreneurial drive they recognised a significant gap in the moving industry, a sector that was largely offline and disconnected from a rapidly digitalising world. Moving is one of life’s most stressful experiences, yet there seemed to be no reliable, streamlined service available that matched customer’s expectations for online convenience and efficiency.

And so the idea for Wise Move — South Africa’s ‘Uber’ for Movers — was born.

“We realised that we could bring this fragmented industry online and directly connect vetted carriers with clients. This connection not only benefited carriers by expanding their client base, but also offered customers a modern solution where they could secure the best service and pricing with just a click.”

Offer a Great Value Proposition – and They Will Come

At first, the initial adoption was a mixed bag. Some of the bigger carriers were reluctant, but smaller carriers were happy to take on the additional work. Today however, they have new carriers signing up daily as the platform grows and continues to offer value.

“We have a no-risk proposition where carriers can sign up without any upfront costs, which significantly lowers the barriers to entry. There is also no fee to quote on jobs; carriers only incur a booking success fee when they secure a booking. This model aligns our interests with those of our carriers — we only succeed when they do.”

On marketing Wise Move in those early stages, Venter says it came down to organic traffic. “Never underestimate the value of ranking for your target keywords!”

Slow and Steady Yields Sustainable Growth

Wise Move started with minimal initial funding, with the founders focusing on investing their time rather than capital.

They introduced the platform with a freemium model, monetising it only after achieving substantial traffic and several successful bookings. This bootstrapped approach allowed for growth at a sustainable pace, and they reinvested their revenue into areas like paid advertising once they had proven the platform’s efficacy.

With this strategic approach, Wise Move has experienced exponential growth over the last few years, completing more than 8000 bookings and now employing seven full-time team members.

“We focus on continuously enhancing the platform’s functionality, broadening our network of movers, and intensifying our marketing initiatives. We ensure that the increase in our client base matches the expansion of our mover network, maintaining a balance that is essential for providing seamless service and sustaining long-term growth,” says Venter.

“Over the next few years, we will continue to focus on exceptional customer service and expanding our network of trusted local moving companies. We’re not just moving items; we’re moving an industry towards greater reliability and professionalism.”

Entrepreneurs Can Shape the Future

For Venter, an entrepreneurial mindset means being resilient, resourceful, and focused on finding solutions, especially under challenging conditions. “I wouldn’t be where I am today if I didn’t have that drive to find my own solution, to explore new possibilities and to learn along the way. It wasn’t always easy, and still isn’t, but it’s worth every second.”

She shares her top advice for fellow ‘treps:

  • Embrace Learning: “Always be open to learning new skills and expanding your knowledge.  I’m constantly teaching myself new skills, and perhaps most importantly, learning how to quickly find information and apply it to real-world problems. The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and staying informed is key. This also means it’s never too late to start — every day is day one.”
  • Start Small, Think Big: “Begin with manageable goals and a clear focus, but always have a vision for where you want to go. This approach allows you to adjust easily as you learn what works, and minimise risks while keeping your broader ambitions in sight.”
  • Build a Strong Network: “Surround yourself with mentors, peers, and a team that supports and challenges you. Networking isn’t just about expanding your professional circle. It’s about creating relationships that inspire innovation and provide support during tough times.”

“My message to other business owners is to think about the impact your venture can have. We’re not just running businesses; we’re shaping industries and creating economic opportunities. It’s about more than just profit; it’s about making a difference and doing something that matters. Be bold, be brave, and use your business as a platform for change,” she concludes.




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Chante Venter is the co-founder and CEO of Wise Move South Africa, an online booking platform that connects people in need of moving services with local moving companies. Her journey from having a full time job, to being a freelancer and now the CEO of her own successful tech startup, shows how with a little ambition, willingness to learn and a solution-focused mindset, you can shape a successful career in the digital age.

Venter talks with Bizmag, and shares her story and advice in the hope of encouraging more people to start their own businesses and, in doing so, to help build a stronger South Africa.

Brave Decisions Unlock New Opportunities

Back in 2017, Venter made the bold decision to pack in her 9-5 position in Johannesburg and dive into the unknown world of online entrepreneurship. This meant starting from scratch.

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Embracing the digital nomad lifestyle, she delved into the world of freelancing. She relied heavily on free resources to upskill and teach herself website design, SEO, online marketing and social media.

“For anyone thinking about making a similar change, my advice is to surround yourself with people who are also embracing this journey. Engage on social media, attend networking events, or consider joining an accelerator program. You don’t need to have everything figured out from the start, but being in an innovative environment can spark ideas and provide invaluable support,” she advises.

Her pivotal moment came in a coworking space in Malaysia, where she connected with a French woman who managed her own digital agency. They started working together, and there Venter got the opportunity to work with startups and companies in the US through Fiverr, an online marketplace for freelancers that enabled her to build a substantial client base.

“That experience really demonstrated to me the power of online marketplaces, as I was able to provide myself with a steady income to fund my new lifestyle. Being exposed to a variety of industries also taught me crucial skills in online marketing and SEO applicable across different business contexts,” she says.

“More importantly, it showed me the significant value of online platforms that connect industry professionals with clients. So when the opportunity came to help build Wise Move, I was ready.”

Complementary Skills make for solid Business Partnerships

Everything put together eventually led Venter to meet her now business partner and the co-founder of Wise Move, Gedi Burinskis.

“Choosing the right business partner is crucial, and Gedi and I had the advantage of working together before going into a partnership. The slow and organic development of our working relationship ensured we were a good fit for a long-term business partnership. Our complementary skills — his technical expertise and my marketing acumen — made us a strong team.”

With their shared entrepreneurial drive they recognised a significant gap in the moving industry, a sector that was largely offline and disconnected from a rapidly digitalising world. Moving is one of life’s most stressful experiences, yet there seemed to be no reliable, streamlined service available that matched customer’s expectations for online convenience and efficiency.

And so the idea for Wise Move — South Africa’s ‘Uber’ for Movers — was born.

“We realised that we could bring this fragmented industry online and directly connect vetted carriers with clients. This connection not only benefited carriers by expanding their client base, but also offered customers a modern solution where they could secure the best service and pricing with just a click.”

Offer a Great Value Proposition – and They Will Come

At first, the initial adoption was a mixed bag. Some of the bigger carriers were reluctant, but smaller carriers were happy to take on the additional work. Today however, they have new carriers signing up daily as the platform grows and continues to offer value.

“We have a no-risk proposition where carriers can sign up without any upfront costs, which significantly lowers the barriers to entry. There is also no fee to quote on jobs; carriers only incur a booking success fee when they secure a booking. This model aligns our interests with those of our carriers — we only succeed when they do.”

On marketing Wise Move in those early stages, Venter says it came down to organic traffic. “Never underestimate the value of ranking for your target keywords!”

Slow and Steady Yields Sustainable Growth

Wise Move started with minimal initial funding, with the founders focusing on investing their time rather than capital.

They introduced the platform with a freemium model, monetising it only after achieving substantial traffic and several successful bookings. This bootstrapped approach allowed for growth at a sustainable pace, and they reinvested their revenue into areas like paid advertising once they had proven the platform’s efficacy.

With this strategic approach, Wise Move has experienced exponential growth over the last few years, completing more than 8000 bookings and now employing seven full-time team members.

“We focus on continuously enhancing the platform’s functionality, broadening our network of movers, and intensifying our marketing initiatives. We ensure that the increase in our client base matches the expansion of our mover network, maintaining a balance that is essential for providing seamless service and sustaining long-term growth,” says Venter.

“Over the next few years, we will continue to focus on exceptional customer service and expanding our network of trusted local moving companies. We’re not just moving items; we’re moving an industry towards greater reliability and professionalism.”

Entrepreneurs Can Shape the Future

For Venter, an entrepreneurial mindset means being resilient, resourceful, and focused on finding solutions, especially under challenging conditions. “I wouldn’t be where I am today if I didn’t have that drive to find my own solution, to explore new possibilities and to learn along the way. It wasn’t always easy, and still isn’t, but it’s worth every second.”

She shares her top advice for fellow ‘treps:

  • Embrace Learning: “Always be open to learning new skills and expanding your knowledge.  I’m constantly teaching myself new skills, and perhaps most importantly, learning how to quickly find information and apply it to real-world problems. The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and staying informed is key. This also means it’s never too late to start — every day is day one.”
  • Start Small, Think Big: “Begin with manageable goals and a clear focus, but always have a vision for where you want to go. This approach allows you to adjust easily as you learn what works, and minimise risks while keeping your broader ambitions in sight.”
  • Build a Strong Network: “Surround yourself with mentors, peers, and a team that supports and challenges you. Networking isn’t just about expanding your professional circle. It’s about creating relationships that inspire innovation and provide support during tough times.”

“My message to other business owners is to think about the impact your venture can have. We’re not just running businesses; we’re shaping industries and creating economic opportunities. It’s about more than just profit; it’s about making a difference and doing something that matters. Be bold, be brave, and use your business as a platform for change,” she concludes.




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