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CarTime Franchise
CarTime Franchise

Sure-fire ways to grow your email newsletter subscribers

By Dylan Kohlstädt, Shift ONE Digital

Email addresses are pure gold. You should encourage anyone who visits your site, your business or receives a quote on your services or products, to sign up to your awesome newsletters. Then you just need to make sure they are awesome, and not dry and dusty. And remember, once you have newsletter subscribers, make sure you send them fresh emailers, regularly!

Also, once you have someone’s email address, you might not be able to email them without their consent due to POPI and GDPR laws, but you can add them into your Facebook audience settings to target them with ads.

1. Free EBook

Take a few of your great articles or blogs, put them into a document, create a cover page and a table of contents, save as a pdf and voila, you have an ebook.

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If you are in a creative industry, you can create lookbooks for the season.

Recipes are always a winner.

What can you offer people, something of value to them, that will encourage them to give you their email address?

I regularly fill out my email address in order to be emailed a research paper or findings or latest trends article.

2. Free Webinars

Give people some free training or information via a free-to-view webinar. The only thing they have to do is to sign up using their email address. Hopefully they also subscribe to your newsletter.

3. Sign up to Newsletter Form

Make sure you have a very short form, email address only or at a max, name too. Put this form at the bottom of your website footer, add it onto all your quotes, the footer of your email signature, when people buy online, pop up over your website home page (yuk), a sticker on your trucks, on the front of your store!

Make it as easy as possible for prospective newsletter subscribers to sign up for your mailers.

4. Offer a free course

Everyone wants to learn, for free. Take your webinar course content, put it into a document, and give it away for free if people sign up for it.

5. Sign up via social media

Add the Sign Up button onto your social media accounts.

6. Lead Gen Ads

Spend a few hundred rands and create a Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter Lead Generation Advert (email address generation ad), in order to find people who want your services and are begging you to contact them now.


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Email addresses are pure gold. You should encourage anyone who visits your site, your business or receives a quote on your services or products, to sign up to your awesome newsletters. Then you just need to make sure they are awesome, and not dry and dusty. And remember, once you have newsletter subscribers, make sure you send them fresh emailers, regularly!

Also, once you have someone’s email address, you might not be able to email them without their consent due to POPI and GDPR laws, but you can add them into your Facebook audience settings to target them with ads.

1. Free EBook

Take a few of your great articles or blogs, put them into a document, create a cover page and a table of contents, save as a pdf and voila, you have an ebook.

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Assisted Home Nursing

If you are in a creative industry, you can create lookbooks for the season.

Recipes are always a winner.

What can you offer people, something of value to them, that will encourage them to give you their email address?

I regularly fill out my email address in order to be emailed a research paper or findings or latest trends article.

2. Free Webinars

Give people some free training or information via a free-to-view webinar. The only thing they have to do is to sign up using their email address. Hopefully they also subscribe to your newsletter.

3. Sign up to Newsletter Form

Make sure you have a very short form, email address only or at a max, name too. Put this form at the bottom of your website footer, add it onto all your quotes, the footer of your email signature, when people buy online, pop up over your website home page (yuk), a sticker on your trucks, on the front of your store!

Make it as easy as possible for prospective newsletter subscribers to sign up for your mailers.

4. Offer a free course

Everyone wants to learn, for free. Take your webinar course content, put it into a document, and give it away for free if people sign up for it.

5. Sign up via social media

Add the Sign Up button onto your social media accounts.

6. Lead Gen Ads

Spend a few hundred rands and create a Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter Lead Generation Advert (email address generation ad), in order to find people who want your services and are begging you to contact them now.


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Assisted Home Nursing

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