Authorised Financial Advisors don’t work for their clients. They work for commission. They only recommend the financial planning products and strategies which pay the best commission to themselves!
That’s why they don’t want you to know the following:
1. Estate Duty (Boedelbelasting) can be 100% avoided with correctly structured Trusts. Imagine your spouse or children can immediately, at your time of death, inherit every single asset, down to the last cent, when you pass away. Nothing will go to executors, creditors, or tax collectors, nor will they be tied to a long deceased estate settling process which could drag on for years!
2. Tax on Investment Income can also be 100% avoided with correctly managed Trusts. Imagine all your investment returns are tax-free, regardless of what kind of investment it is.
3. Businesses can avoid Profit Tax (Winsbelasting) 100% with SARS’s Conduit Principle. Imagine using your profits to grow your business and to motivate your employees.
4. Businesses can be 100% protected against hostile creditors. Imagine a severe recession strikes the economy, your business shrinks, and you are in financial trouble. Aggressive creditors who attempt to destroy your life will have to leave empty-handed because your business assets are protected in a specialised BUSINESS ASSET TRUST!
5. Lastly, the “Authorised Financial Planner” doesn’t want you to know that the cost to safeguard yourself from Executors, Creditors and Tax is a fraction of what you’ll pay for the Financial Advisor’s “Financial Plan!”
All you need from the insurance industry is standard life insurance and short-term insurance for your movables.
Show this article to your family’s trusted old financial advisors; their reaction will prove that I stepped on their toes!
All I can say is, “I rest my case!”
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